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Benefits of Celery: Muscle Health, Strong Bones, and More

Writer's picture: Aviva Family ChiropracticAviva Family Chiropractic

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

celery and green superfoods that support muscle health

Celery juicing is the latest natural health remedy to gain attention and now labeled as a miraculous superfood. You might have noticed celery missing from the grocery shelves as many people are trying out this simple and healing juice. The Medical Medium, Anthony William, has created a large following of people that claim this simple herb has many healing benefits. Just to name a few here is a list we found:

•Protects Liver Health

•Lowers Inflammation

•Helps Prevent Ulcers

•Supports Weight Loss

•Helps Eczema & Psoriasis

•Prevents High Blood Pressure

•Helps Lower High Cholesterol

•Healing For Acne

Seems pretty amazing that something as simple as celery can provide so many health benefits. If you are interested in trying celery juice out yourself, here are some instructions:

  1. Try to buy organic celery and make sure you wash the celery thoroughly prior to juicing

  2. Juice enough celery to make 16 ounces. You may use a juicer or a blender. If blending, you will need to strain the blended celery through cheesecloth.

  3. Drink the 16 ounces of celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach

  4. Enjoy the healing benefits!

fitness couple jogging on the sidewalk

What caught my attention the most with juicing celery is the healing and detoxifying it provides for the liver. Spring is the season of the liver. As we enter a new season our liver is working extra hard to clear out toxins that have accumulated from the holiday season and Puerto rican winters. :) A sluggish liver could cause unexplainable fatigue, depression, irritability or anger, mood swings, feeling overwhelmed by stress, PMS or hormonal imbalance, headaches, allergies, skin breakouts, bloating, gas and sluggish digestion.

Here are a few tips for Spring cleaning your liver:

•Regular Chiropractic care

•Massage or total body stretching using Assisted Stretch

•Juicing Celery

•Dry brushing the skin

•Daily exercise

•Eating more green vegetables

•Dandelion root/leaf tea

Are you looking for a Chiropractic Care in Puerto Rico?

If you’re looking for natural ways to regain mobility and live a pain-free, active lifestyle, make an appointment to meet with Dr. Tomey, San Juan Chiropractor. Dr. Tomey has experience serving a wide range of patients in need of Chiropractic care. Find a natural way to regain your mobility and experience pain relief so you can get back to the things you enjoy!

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This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately. The opinions and views expressed on this blog and website have no relation to those of any academic, hospital, health practice or other institution.

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Aviva Family Chiropractic 2025

This website is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat medical conditions, nor is it to be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified health practitioner. The purpose of this website is informational only. If you need medical advice, please consult

directly with Dr. Ariel Tomey, DC or another qualified health practitioner directly.

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